Hydor Koralia EVO 7000 3th generation
Hydor Koralia EVO 7000 3th generation
Hydor Koralia Evo 3e generatie is de nieuwste, innovatieve en unieke circulatie pomp. Speciaal ontworpen om goed te werken in een zoet of zoutaquarium. Hogere prestaties, lager energieverbruik en snel en eenvoudig onderhoud zijn de belangrijkste kenmerken van deze Koralia 3G-serie. De nieuwe exclusieve Hydor design en technologie staat garant voor een rustige start, continue en krachtige waterstroom. Met Dual Magnet Support System (DMSS). Een gepatenteerde magneet zuignap. De Koralia kan aangesloten worden op de Koralia Smart Wave pomp controller en ingesteld worden op intervallen van seconden, minuten of uren. Incl. een speciale kabel beschermer. De Hydor Koralia Evo kan ook zonder de Koralia Smart Wave pump werken.
Eigenschappen Hydor Koralia 7000 3th generation
- Stroming capaciteit 7000 liter per uur
- 4,5 watt
Engelse omschrijving CIRCULATION PUMP KORALIA 3G 7000 EU
HYDOR CIRCULATION PUMPS: KORALIA 3G THIRD GENERATION Hydors Koralia 3G circulation pump, is a product with excellent performance, low consumption and an excellent longevity. Ideal for recreating waves and tides in reef aquariums. Koralia 3G uses a support with a double magnete and a suction cup (DMSS) patented by Hydor. The first magnet allows a totally secure positioning of the pump, while the second magnet allows an easy, fast, practical and safe way to direct the flow. Koralia 3G is equipped with an anti-vibration system that makes its function extremely quiet despite the great power of the flow that generates. The quality of production and the low wattage makes this circulation pump very durable and energy efficient. The three different protection grids already included in the package and the compatibility with Smart Wave and other timers, makes this product very practical and adaptable to every type of needs for the aquarium. Hydor has decided to include a spiral cable-protector to safeguard the security in the tank, ideal for aquariums in which lives fishes like: puffer fish, sea urchins, trigger fish and parrot fish.
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