Bananaquarium Universal Light Support

De Bananaquarium Universal Light Support: nog een eerste in zijn soort en een ongekende oplossing voor uw ultieme aquariumervaring. De Universal Light Support (kortweg ULS) is precies wat je nodig hebt om je aquariumverlichting op te hangen, zonder de esthetiek van je randloze tank te verpesten.

Er bestaat geen twijfel over dat de ULS uniek is. Er is momenteel geen vergelijkbaar product op de markt. De lichtondersteuning is universeel en kan de meeste aquariumverlichtingssystemen die vandaag beschikbaar zijn, ophangen. De ULS maakt slim gebruik van de optie voor plafondophanging die bij de meeste systemen wordt geleverd.

De ULS kan worden gebruikt met een groot aantal verlichtingsmerken en -typen. Als u uw licht aan het plafond kunt laten hangen, dan is de ULS geschikt voor uw verlichtingssysteem!


The Bananaquarium ULS is very user-friendly. It embodies the potential for your light to be suspended to the ceiling, yet it is more convenient to use the ULS than it is to use your ceiling. In just a few minutes you can enjoy your aquarium, lit by the lights suspended with the Universal Light Support. Take a look at the users manual, and be amazed about its ease of use.


The most important question to ask before and during the development of a new product is: "Why?". The answer to this question is obvious for Bananaquarium: To serve our customers. At Bananaquarium we have always felt something could be massively improved in the way we suspend our lighting systems. We found it to be necessary to change this to a somewhat more friendly approach: Stunning design to help anyone suspend their lighting systems, whatever the brand or type.

Below we have included an important selection of product features. We think it is important that you know what you can expect.

Our product is universal: It fits all aquarium sizes available in the market with glass thickness up to 25 mm.

Aquarium requirements to fit the Universal Light Support:​

  • Glass thickness (or a combination) of: 0 - 25 mm
  • Aquarium depth (front to back): 400 - 600 mm
  • Suitable for type of aquarium:
    • Fresh water
    • Salt water
    • Brackish water
  • Can mount any lighting system which is suitable to be suspended from the ceiling.
  • Max light weight
    • <10mm glass thickness: 2.5kg​
    • 10mm and up: 3.5kg
    • Tip: When your light is to heavy for your aquarium, use a wooden or polycarbonate plate of +- 3mm thick between the clamping screws and the aquarium glass. This will distribute the weight more evenly, and reduce the risk of overloading the glass.
  • Support weight: +- 550 grams
  • Requires no maintenance after installation
  • Best price to quality ratio
  • Clean look, straightforward design
  • Great solution for aquarium cable management!
  • What's in the box:
    • suspension system for AI hydra​ (Yes it is included with this support)
    • 2x 30cm cable to combine with your ceiling suspension kit
    • Bananaquarium Universal Light Support with all means to assemble and use the product
    • User manual
    • We have pictured the Light support with the ASAqua MAX 30, but please note that this is one of many lights that fit the ULS and that the ASAqua MAX 30 is NOT included with the product.

These lighting types and brands can be mounted to the ULS:

  • AI Hydra (Suspension kit included with ULS)
  • AI Hydra 26 (HD) (Suspension kit included with ULS)
  • AI Hydra 52 (HD) (Suspension kit included with ULS)
  • AI Prime HD (Requires "AI Prime Hanging Kit")
  • ASAqua MAX 30 (Suspension kit included with light)
  • ASAqua MAX 60 (Suspension kit included with light, we advice to use 2x ULS)
  • ASAqua Max 90 (Suspension kit included with light, use 2x ULS to mount safely)
  • ASAqua Aquanest (Suspension kit included with light)
  • Giesemann Vervve (Requires Giesemann Suspension kit item no. "20.300.013-9")
  • Giesemann VIVA (Requires Giesemann Suspension kit item no. "20.300.013-9"
    Use 2x ULS to suspend to aquarium safely!)
  • Giesemann RAZOR (Requires Giesemann Suspension kit item no. "20.300.013-3"
    Use 1x or 2x ULS depending on length of RAZOR unit)
  • Giesemann PULZAR (Requires Giesemann Suspension kit item no. "20.300.013-3 & 20.120.452 " Use 1x or 2x ULS depending on length of PULZAR unit)
  • Giesemann Matrix 2 260mm (Requires Giesemann Suspension kit item no. "20.300.013-3 & 20.120.452 " Use 2x ULS to mount the Matrix 2 safely)
  • Maxspect Razor R420R Nano, 120W, 160W (Requires "Maxspect Razor R420R Suspension Kit" Use 2x ULS with the 120W and 160W Razors)​
  • ATI sirius X

For the not listed lights that can be mounted to the ceiling counts the following:

  • Max light depth: 260mm @ 450mm tank depth (front to back)
    or: Max light depth: 380mm @ 650mm tank depth (front to back)
  • Max weight: 3.5kg @ >10mm glass thickness (adviced)
  • Max weight: 2.5kg @ <10mm glass thickness (advised)
  • Use 2x ULS at light length of > 500mm, or more than 3.5 kg to be sure of avoiding overloading the glass.
Toon meer informatie
Bananaquarium Universal Light Support


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